A Little Help

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If your looking for some help on winning Wordox games then the following is a must:

  1. Open Microsoft Word and copy and paste all the word lists contained in this site. Then go to the top of your new Word file and press EDIT and FIND or Crtl and F, this should bring up the FIND and REPLACE option.
  2. Click on MORE, this gives you more search options.
  3. Enter the word you are looking for and if it is contained in the word list then it will find it.
  4. If a player enters a word ie (ate) and you press the USE WILDCARD option it will find you all the words that contain the letters (a t e)  in that order, for example,

ates, bate, cate, date, fate, gate, hate, late, mate, pate, rate .........................ect ect





(2) MORE options + USE WILDCARD